Pitt Farm

Against all the odds I made it to Pitt Farm! By odds I am of course referring to my own stupidity: I took the wrong train and ended up in Salisbury, 50 miles east of Taunton. After 4 hours of really getting my money's worth out of the national rail service I finally reached my destination and was welcomed to Pitt with a delicious dinner and a very intense general knowledge quiz with my hosts.

I'll start with some introductions:

Rosie is the oldest Benson daughter; she is a doctor currently living with her parents and is about as obsessed with food as I am. During the tour round the veg garden we enjoyed pointing out the wonderful bounty to each other by screaming "LOOK AT THESE TOMATOES/CUCUMBERS/APPLES". Tom is her husband, he manages bands and secretly feeds the dog pieces of cheese to maintain its loyalty.

Charlie is 18 and Johnny 16, they are the youngest Bensons. Charlie has just finished his A levels and is off on a trip round the world at the end of the month. Johnny is still at college and eats more than the rest of the household put together. He is often referred to as the Bottomless Pit (Bottomless Pitt?)

Kate and Harry are their parents but they are currently visiting family in the US so I haven't met them yet (they get back tonight).

Dobby is the dog. He is a whippet and looks like the dog from Funny Bones and/or professor Lupin when he turned into a werewolf. I can't get over how weird he is.

The chickens are rescue hens from a battery farm. They are still semi-naked and are relearning all the vital chicken skills like scratching, pecking, etc. They have no concept of personal space.

My accommodation is slightly different here. Previously I lived in a caravan full of spiders, now I live in a Country Life magazine with a powder blue Aga and two sitting rooms. But such is the nature of WWOOFing I suppose.

Also, it's pretty nice to be the least posh person in the building for once. Watch this space! More updates soon.

P.S. DONT FORGET that the international rebellion is still going strong in London and dozens of other countries! Please support them however you can: by joining the good people on the streets, donating money or just by spreading the word. Tree planting, a prayer bridge and a giant octopus are just a few of the amazing things in London this week 💚


  1. Fantastic update... hoping to visit you at some point x


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