Cassy now lives in the house
(She's a hen with a permanent wobble
Possibly brain-damage
The flock would bully her)
So by day
She lives in the rabbit hutch
And by night
She wobbles round the cabin.
I cry
"Oh no! Where's Cassy?"
Worried she's wobbled behind the wood stove
And the child will reply
Cool as a cucumber
"I put her to bed
She's in her box"
And I sigh
And return to making stew.
But daddy
Has slightly different priorities
Will say
"If that hen does a poo
On the carpet
She's out
She's not staying here
Tomorrow night"
And he's right
She's not really a pet
She's a farm animal
When she looks a me and clucks
So softly
So gently
I cant believe
She would poo on the carpet
Not Cassy
Not our sweet, wobbly hen
But the child, so resourceful, has the answer
She says
"We'll cover the carpet
In newspaper then."
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